Hey Reader
Welcome back in my latest story
the story I wanna tell for you right now is
the experience for me when I went to Tampur, to bought some shoes
a week before I went to Tampur, I'd made plan with Stephen Firman and Immanuel William
We've made plan, because I had canceled plans to go to Tampur, before.
okay, The plan dealt.
The day when we (Stephen and I) went to Tampur
We went by public transportation,
first we held to Kp.Rambutan's Terminal by 121, and we held to Block M's Terminal by 76 Metro Mini. after that, we took 69 metro mini to Tampur
okay, you know.
We paid more than 10000 rupiahs for all that transportation. *shocked*
because what? I'll tell you.
The 121's cost is Rp. 4000. The total cost of all Metro Mini's are Rp. 4500.
where's the rest? Why I said more than 10000 whereas the total cost just Rp. 9500.?
the cost increase when we took the Metro Minis,
you know the metro minis in every intersection or every stop station it must be putted up (minimal one) the street's musician, and you know every single "musicians" I'd paid Rp. 500 or Rp. 1000. and you know there are more than 5 "musicians" I paid 2 musicians, and 1 pantuners. and all of thats took Rp. 2500 and all of my total expenditures Rp. 11000!! because that musicians!!
oh yeah you know, our trip to Tampur is took about 2 hours. (-_-")
okay, after that
we met Immanuel there, and we started our "pursuit"
I'd looking for Nike SB, and Futsal's shoes.
We'd looking all around Tampur, from side to side. for 2 hours.
I got all the things that I want, from "SB", Futsal shoes, and Timnas Indonesia's Jersey.
Stephen Got "SB" and 2 Manchester United Jerseys.
Immanuel got 1 basket training jersey, and 1 short for hangout.
okay, after that we went home
and you know we must waited for about an hours30 minutes for Patas AC's Bus.
why Patas AC's? because Me and Stephen is so tired and wanna avoid "musicians".(Immanuel took another bus when we got up to Patas')
and although the cost of the Patas's took Rp. 9000, it's alright because it's so comfort, and I'd took a sleep there.
finally the trip was over,
I back to my home, I laid in my bed, and I slept.
wew, the fantastic trip.

(My Nike SB, I made a bid. Rp. 120.000 from Rp. 180.000)

(My Nike Mercurial. Rp. 80.000 from Rp. 135.000)

(My Indonesia's Jersey, Rp. 30.000 from Rp. 45.000)
That's all everything that I've got. although all the things not the original one I loved it, because I don't see that things from that originals, but just for my style and my expenditure that I can expend it. :))
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